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icyjad3@blogspot.com ♥
Friday, January 22, 2010

Hey guys,
This the first time i blogging, ever since i stepped into poly year one semester 2 and we stepped in 2010. just updated u all abit . i am so busy with projects and later on examinations. Ah also i quited my cca.. sob. That all. good nites
Thursday, August 27, 2009

time just passes so fast, soon it going to be the end of first year first semester in poly. So about one year after leaving secondary school. missing them (ex- classmates, friends, teachers) . i miss the food in opss haha( four years standard meal. rice, bbq meat and egg). somehow i feel that poly so stress as compared to secondary sch. May be is because of the recent semester examination and the project report. i feel that my brain has turn rusty, empty and growing full of weeds. haha i feel so unprepare for examination. so expected that my result will be bad, but never mind a pass is enough. ohya beloved teacher day coming.
Haix.this holiday full time working again. I am such a busy woman. Sian ah but what can i do or say i give the promise to "help up" during my holiday so i have to do it. my kendo cca camp coming, i seem to be a training camp tiring.why i alway make my holiday so " meaningful". haha so dear friends please understand me. if u all going to take me out please make the appointment early. so bullshit haha.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Me, nurul and hweekey go watch the harry potter and the half blood prince, a very last minutes decision. however we got separated because the cinema is so full so full. then after that i rush home and rush to kendo training.half dead after all this rushing...
the training is kinda difficult and tired. yesh we finally get to hit people kind of fun... aim at the head and hit ! i shouting like crazy, kendo training a very good way of venting stress and anger. after that i damn hyper , i dunno why but is only for mental. my body of course cant take it .
Due to the training last night, i couldnt wake up. when the time i woke up it was about noon. then i watch taiwan idol drama so never do any homework die liao.. then i went to work, i work at ntuc cashier.. pro in counting money.
of course my day start with working, alamah so no life.. work home do homework watch tv eat and sleep. sian ah when will i and jia en will go out together for a outting?
of course schooling... so many projects... homeworks...Headache i hope all my group project will be blessed. lol macroecon haven do forgotten.oh ya our exam timetable out le.. shit i forget everything liao... a lots a lots things lel.. speacial journal haven revise die liao..
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

i think i going crazy, i thinking too much too much. however, i cant help myself not thinking too much. the worst thing is all i thinking is negative and i am just wondering so clueless. why why why what what what how how how. all this keeps going round and round in my head. i never be so clueless before. And i always ask myself what i trouble about but wad i find out is i dont know and is nothing.
Friday, June 26, 2009

I am back from my class chalet. well is downtown east again , i say again because secondary school class chalet also at there. so memorable.
the first day on 23 june. we checked in the resort at afternoon about 3pm. we had difficult to check in because we( refer to those who turn up first) are not 18 yet. then we asked someone we dont know to help us. then after put things in our room, we go play arcade. it is fun when many people plying together. joseph got one soft toy from plushies machine. later around nine plus austen and farzilah joined us. we go night walk but there are street light so not so dark even the time is around 1am le . we walked into the maze we arrange as group of two but cheryl and angie dont want so only royston and nurul one group well austen and farzilah one group. austen and farzilah go first then nurul and royston go next. the rest of us choose another routh. then we heard screaming from nurul and royston . so we know austen they all will scare us in front. we are prepared. then we walk back to our rooms on the way austen shared alot ghost stories. later we watch the exorcist video that joseph bring. the movie ended around 5am then we go sleep.
Second day we when to utuc to shop for bbq things . we end up in a rain . then we choose to take bus and go back to the resort. cheryl lived there yet we missed the bus stop and have to walk in the rain. then zheng bang and peter come le. peter funny sia get high after a cup of pepis.
after a while we start our bbq.jonathan good at setting up fire. not long we started bbq chicken wings. i eat alot sia that night i was like keep eatting. hweekey also join us le but farzilah never join us for bbq she go meet her friend. at night 2am then she come back and with her friend, male de. later around 8-9 hafiz they all also come even mark also come quite suprise. when guys meet together they will play poker cards that ture.then we start watching video again.
Sunday, June 14, 2009

hey guys.
Last friday, me and my clique(farzilah, nurul, saira, hweekey and arveet) go watch "drag me to hell". well not bad. It disgusting haha. i nearly throw out because of some scenes. haha arveet and nurul like covering for the whole movie and i grabbing my kendo sword so tight.
lol holidays come liao i hope to be relax abit.
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Bad news to people who know jia en she is hospitalized. sigh i dunnoe wad happened to her . she seem to be busy and unable to pick up her phone. sry cant update u guys her condition. sigh next week got three icas. bsa stat and POA . sian ah there not the life i expect to get from poly . poly shud be very free de mah . now is just like the same as jc and seem like more busy then sec. everyday wake up go sch to have tutorial tutorial lecture lecture then go home. ah....... sian ..... NO LIFE NO LIFE. i dun even have time for my favorite drama and idol drama. why so busy ?? cuz i use the time to slp . my mind and body is badly adapted to poly sch timing and life. i also make myself so busy having job and cca at a same time. now is not enjoying le is doing for the sake of doing . job for money . cca for ccA haha stupid. kendo grading is on 28 june last day of my holiday . terrible my step and move so lousy how to pass ?? god HELP make my life more colourful i dun want dull colour !! sigh.. have to go work .