LOl todae mrs rupesh did not come and many of us were not inform .
So many of us come very early ...
We chick-chat in the classroom 4 one hour..
Then we went out of the school to blk 852 ..
We were playing "ice and freeze"..
Quite lame but many of us that went out to blk 852 were playing the game ..
We played it for almost 30 minutes
LOL todae i recieved help from a kindness soul ...
As todae at 6pm in the late afternoon , there was a heavy instant rain...
i was waiting for the rain to get smaller so i could dash across the road to the opposite block .
Althought the blook seem to be far away but it was actually quite near..
A kind lady walk forward and asked me where i was going i replied her and she ofter to shade me under her small umbella ...
Althought she knew she would be a bit wet by sharing her umbella , she still shade me ...
Lols.... Back from the camp le ......
Tio sunburn....... :p


Got saw the sands beside my sandels ?........
Haha.... i almost bring back 200g of sand.. from Pulau Ubin's campsite ...
It is quite fun as it is an adventure camp....
i was so smelly went i return home from Pulau Ubin .
We did alot so activities due this 3 days 2 night ...
DAy 1
When we reached Pulau Ubin it was already 11 or 12 plus ....
We could not have the lunch as the other classes haven't reach yet.
So we were introduces to the "pirates" game .. For the icebreaker activities .
Lols it was LAME but everyone were having a lots of fun ..
Haha 'stupid' a small group of us was been so call 'caught ' by the instructor .
Then we were made to do the stupid chicken dance and we were made to dance TWO time ...
Then when we were finishing the games , almost all the classes were joining in.
Then we were serve by our fellow schoolmates for our lunch.
When everyone gotten their we were asked to do the makan cheer ..

We did it for a few times then we were allow to eat our foods.
After lunch, we start our games .
Lol my 1St section is the High ropes ...
Scray man... it was 3 or more levels above the ground .
i tried and i cross over the other side of it .It was fun.. i didn't fall half way .
when i jumped down from the ropes ..lols it was just like flying ..
Then we went to the 2nd section, rafting we builded up our own raft .
It success to float on the water..
WE were given extra time to bath ...However we didn't have enough time to bath .
The cubicles for bathing were only 5 or 7..
The girls would always took more time to bath.
Then we had our dinner , after that we pitch up our tents for our 2 night there.
Lol the tent was quite small and we needed to squeeze 4 to 5 people..
After that we went for over night walk.. Not so scray but was bitten by alot of mosquitos.
Then we had our Supper before we call a day .
Lol back to the tent then we went to wash up .
We were already to sleep. Lol i almost die when i blow up my inflatable pillow.
The 1st night sleeping in the tent was suffering it hot and suffy .
Day 2
lol WE did the low ropes ,archery,rock climbing and Abs.
Of couse It was fun..... and we did all these in the whole morning and afternoon.
Then when we was given time to wash up . when i was back to my tents ..
OH no my tent's pole broken and it collasped..
After fixing it and bathing we went to train our cheer for tonight campfire.
ONe part of my group's cheer
Pussy cat the boys boys very very cute wa so cute wa so cute..
pussy cat the girls girls very very sweet wa so sweet wa so sweet..
Khai the trainer very very sexy wa so sexy wa so sexy..
Azie the trainer very very hot wa so hot wa so hot..
That night all sec 3 students that had go to the camp took part in the campfire .
But quite boring ..
But then after the teachers leave .. we had our "disco" night..
Then after that we had our supper before light off ..
Day 3
We woke up early then we had our breakfast.
wa... our group had to clean Toilet ....
Phew the toilet was clean haha ....
We only used 30 seconds to clean ..
After that we de- pitch our tent and wait for the ferry to come and sent us home..
MY class was the last to go back to Singapore ..
Then we back to school and we were given back our report book befor going home..